Simple Recipe to Make Waffles Using Brownie Mix

The classic recipe to make waffles is always a good go-to. In any case, you can also use a boxed brownie mix to get the job done.

You should simply get your waffle iron, a box of brownie mix, and then follow the directions on your box with an additional egg, according to Simple Most.

Usually, brownies use fewer eggs than regular cakes. It's what makes their texture somewhat more dense and chewy.

These brownie waffles are a fun take on waffles that you can even eat for dessert. | Photo: YouTube/Kelly Senyei

But waffles should be light and airy with a little crispiness on the outside, so only one egg is needed to give your brownies enough lift.

When using a brownie mix, you'll likewise need to spray your waffle maker well. The brownie waffles will still be sticky when they are set.

As reported by Extra Crispy, brownie waffles go best with less sweet fixins. But don't be hesitant to put maple syrup or scoop ice cream on the off chance that you have a sweet tooth.

"My favorite way to devour a massive brownie waffle is to lightly drizzle it with nutty tahini," according to Extra Crispy, "cover it with a heap of sliced bananas and strawberries, and dive into it fork-first for a 50-50 split with a buddy."

Meanwhile, here's another recipe that is perfect during the quarantine. It's called "depression cake." The good thing about this cake is that it does not require milk, butter, or even eggs.


1. 1 cup sugar

2. 1½ cups all-purpose flour

3. 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder or black cocoa

4. 1 teaspoon salt

5. 1 teaspoon baking soda

Woman and child smiling while baking. | Photo: Pexels

6. 6 tablespoons vegetable oil

7. 1 cup cooled brewed coffee (or water)

8. 1 tablespoon white or apple cider vinegar

9. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Cocoa powder on a stainless spoon. | Photo: Pexels


1. Firstly, preheat to 375°F. then grease an 8-inch square or round pan.

2. Blend the flour, baking soda, cocoa, salt, and sugar. Poke three holes into the mix. Pour the oil, vanilla, and oil into every hole.

3. Include the coffee and mix the ingredients until well blended. Then add it to the pan.

4. For 35 minutes, bake the cake or until the top is set yet springy. Cool the cake in the pan, at that point top with your preferred icing or you can enjoy it plain.
