Is Florence Henderson Alive or Dead? Truth Revealed!

People love Florence Agnes Henderson for her acting skills. There is a confusion among her fans whether she is alive or dead. So, you will know the truth in this post.

Is the News of Florence Henderson’s Death True?

Florence Henderson passed away on November 24, 2016 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA. Recently Barry Williams used his time on Dancing With the Stars to honor a lovely woman. A special shout-out was given by the Brady Bunch to his late screen mom Florence Henderson.

Below we shared a tweet related to the tribute for Florence:

Barry Williams pays tribute to late ‘Brady Bunch’ co-star Florence Henderson on ‘DWTS’

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) October 12, 2023

Her loved ones and family members also paid tribute to her after she passed away. Maureen McCormick tweeted, “You are in my heart forever Florence.”

You are in my heart forever Florence💕

— Maureen McCormick (@MoMcCormick7) November 25, 2016

Al Yankovic wrote, “So terribly sad to hear of the passing of the great Florence Henderson.”

So terribly sad to hear of the passing of the great Florence Henderson. It was a true honor to have known and worked with her.

— Al Yankovic (@alyankovic) November 25, 2016

Michael McKean tweeted, “Florence Henderson was a doll and a dame and funny as hell. RIP” 

Florence Henderson was a doll and a dame and funny as hell. RIP

— Michael McKean (@MJMcKean) November 25, 2016

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What is Florence Henderson’s Cause of Death?

Florence Henderson had been having major heart problems for a long time before she died of a heart attack. For ten years, the Brady Bunch star had coronary artery disease and for the past five years, she had atrial fibrillation which is another name for an abnormal heartbeat.

Henderson died on November 24. She made a video for Go Red for Women, a program by the American Heart Association to make women more aware of heart disease and stroke.

In the video, the star talked about her own ongoing fight with heart health. Henderson shared:

“I knew as a child that I had a heart murmur, And as I got older, I was experiencing more irregular heartbeats. So finally, I went to a cardiologist about eight years ago and I was in really bad shape.”

Henderson talked about her trip to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles’s emergency room and the surgery she had to fix her broken mitral valve. The actress said:

“I urge women to have your heart checked. Go to a cardiologist, If I can help one person and save one person’s life, then I’m thrilled.”

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