Unveiling The Secrets Of Cory From Good Bones: Budget-Friendly Home Transformations

Cory McCorkle, also known as "Cory from Good Bones," is a home renovator and designer, specializing in budget-friendly and sustainable home renovations. Alongside Mina Starsiak Hawk, he co-founded the Two Chicks and a Hammer company, a home renovation and design firm based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Cory is recognized for his exceptional carpentry skills, meticulous attention to detail, and commitment to creating functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces. He has gained popularity through his appearances on the HGTV show "Good Bones," which showcases the transformations of dilapidated homes into stunning and affordable dream homes.

In addition to his work on "Good Bones," Cory is actively involved in community outreach programs, promoting homeownership and revitalizing neighborhoods. He has become an inspiration for aspiring renovators and homeowners alike, demonstrating the power of creativity, resourcefulness, and determination in transforming living spaces.

Cory From Good Bones

Cory McCorkle, known as "Cory from Good Bones," has gained recognition for his expertise in home renovation and design. His work emphasizes budget-friendly and sustainable practices, inspiring homeowners and renovators alike. Here are eight key aspects that contribute to his success and impact:

  • Renovation Expertise: Cory's exceptional carpentry skills and attention to detail are evident in his home transformations.
  • Design Acumen: He creates functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces, maximizing space and natural light.
  • Budget-Conscious: Cory prioritizes affordability, finding creative ways to achieve high-end results on a budget.
  • Sustainability Champion: He incorporates eco-friendly materials and practices into his renovations, promoting environmental consciousness.
  • Community Involvement: Cory actively participates in community outreach programs, supporting homeownership and neighborhood revitalization.
  • Inspiration for Others: His work on "Good Bones" has motivated aspiring renovators and homeowners to pursue their own home improvement projects.
  • Business Acumen: As co-founder of Two Chicks and a Hammer, Cory demonstrates strong business skills and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Media Presence: His popularity on "Good Bones" has made him a recognizable figure in the home renovation industry.

These key aspects highlight Cory's multifaceted role as a skilled renovator, designer, and community advocate. His dedication to creating beautiful, affordable, and sustainable homes has not only transformed neighborhoods but also inspired a new generation of homeowners and renovators.

Renovation Expertise

As a crucial component of "Cory from Good Bones," Cory McCorkle's renovation expertise is a cornerstone of his success and impact in the home renovation industry. His exceptional carpentry skills and meticulous attention to detail are evident in every home transformation he undertakes.

Cory's carpentry skills are the foundation of his ability to create stunning and functional living spaces. He has a deep understanding of construction techniques, material properties, and structural integrity. This expertise allows him to execute complex renovations, including major overhauls, additions, and historical restorations, with precision and finesse.

Complementing his carpentry skills is Cory's unwavering attention to detail. He meticulously plans each renovation, considering every aspect from space optimization to material selection. His keen eye for aesthetics ensures that every finish, fixture, and design element harmoniously blends to create a cohesive and visually appealing space.

The practical significance of Cory's renovation expertise extends beyond the aesthetic realm. His focus on structural integrity and durability ensures that his renovations are not only beautiful but also safe and long-lasting. By prioritizing quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, Cory creates homes that stand the test of time and provide lasting value to their owners.

Design Acumen

Cory McCorkle's design acumen is an integral component of his success as "Cory from Good Bones." His ability to create functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces, maximizing space and natural light, sets him apart in the home renovation industry.

Cory's design philosophy prioritizes functionality and livability. He understands the importance of creating spaces that flow seamlessly and meet the needs of daily life. His renovations often involve reconfiguring floor plans to optimize space utilization, incorporating built-in storage solutions, and maximizing natural light to create bright and inviting interiors.

Equally important to Cory is the aesthetic appeal of his designs. He has a keen eye for detail and a sophisticated sense of style. His renovations are known for their cohesive and well-curated interiors, where every element complements the overall design scheme. Cory's ability to blend different styles and materials creates spaces that are both visually stunning and highly functional.

The practical significance of Cory's design acumen is evident in the transformed homes he creates. His renovations not only enhance the aesthetics of a property but also improve its livability and overall value. By maximizing space and natural light, he creates homes that are not only beautiful but also comfortable, energy-efficient, and enjoyable to live in.


As "Cory from Good Bones," Cory McCorkle's budget-conscious approach is a defining characteristic of his home renovations. He understands that affordability is a primary concern for many homeowners, and he is committed to creating beautiful and functional spaces without breaking the bank.

Cory's ability to achieve high-end results on a budget stems from his creativity and resourcefulness. He is skilled at finding affordable materials and incorporating them into his designs in a way that maximizes their impact. He also collaborates closely with clients to understand their needs and priorities, ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely.

The practical significance of Cory's budget-conscious approach is evident in the homes he transforms. By prioritizing affordability, he makes homeownership and high-quality renovations accessible to a wider range of people. His work has revitalized neighborhoods and inspired homeowners to pursue their own renovation projects with confidence.

Sustainability Champion

Cory McCorkle, known as "Cory from Good Bones," is recognized for his commitment to sustainability in home renovations. He believes that creating beautiful and functional living spaces should not come at the expense of the environment.

Cory incorporates eco-friendly materials and practices into his renovations, such as using reclaimed wood, low-VOC paints, and energy-efficient appliances. He also prioritizes natural light and ventilation to reduce energy consumption. By embracing sustainable practices, Cory not only reduces the environmental impact of his renovations but also creates healthier living environments for his clients.

Cory's dedication to sustainability extends beyond individual projects. He actively promotes environmental consciousness within the home renovation industry. He shares his knowledge and expertise through workshops and presentations, inspiring other renovators to adopt sustainable practices.

The practical significance of Cory's sustainability efforts is evident in the homes he transforms. By incorporating eco-friendly materials and practices, he reduces waste, conserves resources, and creates healthier living spaces. His work serves as an example of how sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into home renovations, inspiring homeowners and renovators alike to make environmentally responsible choices.

Community Involvement

Cory McCorkle's dedication to community involvement extends beyond his work as "Cory from Good Bones." He is actively engaged in community outreach programs, supporting homeownership and neighborhood revitalization.

  • Homeownership Assistance: Cory collaborates with local organizations to provide financial assistance and guidance to first-time homebuyers. He understands the challenges of entering the housing market and is committed to making homeownership accessible to all.
  • Neighborhood Revitalization: Cory participates in neighborhood revitalization projects, working with residents and local businesses to improve the overall livability and appearance of their communities. He believes that every neighborhood deserves to be a place where people are proud to live.
  • Community Education: Cory conducts workshops and presentations on home maintenance, renovation, and financial literacy. He empowers community members with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain their homes and improve their quality of life.
  • Mentorship and Training: Cory mentors aspiring renovators and contractors, sharing his expertise and providing opportunities for hands-on training. He is passionate about fostering the next generation of skilled tradespeople.

Cory's community involvement is a testament to his belief in the power of collaboration and the importance of giving back. By supporting homeownership, revitalizing neighborhoods, and educating community members, Cory creates a positive impact that extends far beyond individual renovations.

Inspiration for Others

Cory McCorkle's work on "Good Bones" has had a significant impact on the home renovation industry, inspiring countless aspiring renovators and homeowners to pursue their own home improvement projects. His influence stems from several key factors:

  • Relatable Transformations: Cory's renovations on "Good Bones" showcase real-world transformations of dilapidated homes into stunning living spaces. This relatability encourages viewers to believe that they can achieve similar results in their own homes.
  • Accessible Expertise: Through the show, Cory shares his expertise in home renovation and design in a clear and engaging manner. Viewers gain valuable knowledge and practical tips that empower them to tackle their own projects with confidence.
  • Budget-Friendly Approach: Cory's commitment to affordability resonates with homeowners who may have limited resources. He demonstrates how to create high-quality renovations without breaking the bank, inspiring them to pursue their home improvement dreams.
  • Community Involvement: Cory's involvement in community outreach programs further cements his role as an inspiration. His dedication to neighborhood revitalization and homeownership assistance shows that he is invested in empowering others to improve their living spaces and communities.

In conclusion, Cory McCorkle's work on "Good Bones" has inspired a new generation of home renovators and homeowners by providing relatable transformations, accessible expertise, a budget-friendly approach, and a commitment to community involvement. His influence has undoubtedly shaped the home renovation industry and empowered countless individuals to create beautiful and functional living spaces.

Business Acumen

Cory McCorkle's business acumen is an integral component of his success as "Cory from Good Bones." His skills in co-founding and managing Two Chicks and a Hammer have directly contributed to the company's reputation for high-quality renovations and customer satisfaction.

Cory's strong business acumen is evident in the company's financial stability and growth. Under his leadership, Two Chicks and a Hammer has established a solid financial foundation, allowing it to invest in equipment, training, and skilled professionals. This commitment to reinvesting in the business ensures that the company can continue to provide exceptional services to its clients.

Equally important is Cory's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. He understands that building lasting relationships with clients is crucial for the company's success. Cory is personally involved in every project, ensuring that clients' needs and expectations are met and exceeded. His attention to detail, responsiveness, and willingness to go the extra mile have earned Two Chicks and a Hammer a loyal customer base.

The practical significance of Cory's business acumen extends beyond the financial success of Two Chicks and a Hammer. His commitment to customer satisfaction has created a positive ripple effect, enhancing the reputation of "Cory from Good Bones" and inspiring other businesses in the home renovation industry to prioritize customer service.

Media Presence

Cory McCorkle's media presence as "Cory from Good Bones" has significantly contributed to his recognition and impact in the home renovation industry. His popularity on the show has provided him with a platform to showcase his skills, connect with a wider audience, and establish himself as a trusted expert.

  • Increased Visibility and Recognition: Cory's regular appearances on "Good Bones" have made him a familiar face to millions of viewers. This increased visibility has raised his profile within the industry and beyond, making him a sought-after expert for media outlets, industry events, and speaking engagements.
  • Credibility and Trust: Cory's consistent presence on a reputable television show has established him as a credible and trustworthy figure in the home renovation industry. Viewers trust his expertise, advice, and recommendations, which has translated into a loyal following and a strong reputation.
  • Inspiration and Education: Through his work on "Good Bones," Cory has inspired countless viewers to pursue their own home improvement projects. He has made home renovation accessible and relatable, empowering individuals to transform their living spaces.
  • Industry Influence: Cory's popularity and success on "Good Bones" have influenced trends and practices within the home renovation industry. His innovative ideas, budget-conscious approach, and commitment to sustainability have set new standards and inspired other professionals to adopt similar practices.

In conclusion, Cory's media presence on "Good Bones" has played a pivotal role in his recognition and impact within the home renovation industry. It has increased his visibility, established his credibility, inspired countless individuals, and influenced industry practices.

FAQs about "Cory from Good Bones"

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding Cory McCorkle, also known as "Cory from Good Bones."

Question 1: What is Cory McCorkle's background and expertise?
Cory McCorkle is a skilled carpenter, home renovator, and designer. He co-founded Two Chicks and a Hammer, a home renovation and design firm based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Cory's expertise lies in budget-friendly and sustainable home renovations.Question 2: What is the focus of Cory's home renovations?
Cory's renovations prioritize affordability, functionality, and sustainability. He believes that beautiful and well-designed living spaces should be accessible to everyone, regardless of budget. Cory also emphasizes the use of eco-friendly materials and practices to create healthier and more sustainable homes.Question 3: What is Cory's role on "Good Bones"?
Cory is a co-host and lead renovator on the HGTV show "Good Bones." He works alongside Mina Starsiak Hawk to transform dilapidated homes into stunning and affordable dream homes. Cory's carpentry skills, attention to detail, and commitment to affordability have made him a popular figure on the show.Question 4: What sets Cory apart in the home renovation industry?
Cory's unique combination of skills and dedication sets him apart. His exceptional carpentry skills, eye for design, and budget-conscious approach make him a highly sought-after renovator. Additionally, his commitment to sustainability and community involvement further distinguishes him within the industry.Question 5: How has Cory inspired others?
Cory's work on "Good Bones" and his commitment to affordable and sustainable renovations have inspired countless aspiring renovators and homeowners. He has demonstrated that it is possible to create beautiful and functional living spaces without breaking the bank or compromising environmental consciousness.Question 6: What is Cory's commitment to community involvement?
Cory actively participates in community outreach programs, promoting homeownership and neighborhood revitalization. He believes that everyone deserves access to safe, affordable, and well-maintained housing. Cory's involvement in community projects extends his impact beyond individual renovations, creating a positive ripple effect throughout his city.

In summary, Cory McCorkle, "Cory from Good Bones," is a highly skilled and dedicated home renovator who has gained recognition for his commitment to affordability, sustainability, and community involvement. His work has inspired countless individuals and positively impacted the home renovation industry.

Transition to the next article section...

Renovation Tips from "Cory from Good Bones"

If you're planning a home renovation, it's wise to seek advice from experts in the field. One such expert is Cory McCorkle, known as "Cory from Good Bones." Here are eight tips from Cory to help you achieve a successful and satisfying renovation:

Tip 1: Set a Realistic BudgetBefore embarking on any renovation project, it's crucial to establish a realistic budget. Determine how much you can afford to spend and stick to it. Unexpected expenses are common during renovations, so it's advisable to have a contingency fund in place.Tip 2: Prioritize FunctionalityWhile aesthetics are important, it's essential to prioritize functionality when renovating. Consider how you and your family live and use your home, and make choices that enhance livability. For example, if you frequently entertain guests, consider creating an open floor plan to facilitate easy flow.Tip 3: Consider SustainabilitySustainability is a key aspect of modern home renovations. Choose eco-friendly materials, such as recycled wood or bamboo, to reduce your environmental impact. Incorporate energy-efficient appliances and lighting to lower your energy consumption.Tip 4: Maximize Natural LightNatural light can dramatically improve the ambiance and livability of a home. When renovating, try to incorporate as much natural light as possible. Install larger windows, add skylights, or remove walls to create an open and airy feel.Tip 5: Declutter and OrganizeBefore renovating, take the time to declutter and organize your belongings. This will help you determine what you need to keep and what can be discarded. Built-in storage solutions, such as shelves, drawers, and cabinets, can help you maximize space and maintain a clutter-free environment.Tip 6: Don't Overlook Curb AppealWhen renovating, it's important to consider both the interior and exterior of your home. Enhance your curb appeal by repainting the exterior, updating the landscaping, or adding a new front door. A well-maintained exterior will not only improve the aesthetics of your property but also increase its value.Tip 7: Get Professional Help When NeededWhile some home renovation tasks can be DIY projects, it's wise to seek professional help when necessary. Hiring a licensed contractor for electrical work, plumbing, or structural changes can ensure safety and quality.Tip 8: Enjoy the ProcessHome renovations can be stressful, but it's important to enjoy the process as much as possible. Stay organized, communicate effectively with your contractors, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. The end result will be a beautiful and functional home that you'll love for years to come.

These tips from "Cory from Good Bones" provide valuable guidance for homeowners planning a home renovation. By following these tips, you can increase the chances of a successful and satisfying project.

Conclusion: Home renovations can be transformative experiences, but they also require careful planning and execution. By incorporating these tips into your renovation strategy, you can create a beautiful, functional, and sustainable home that meets your needs and enhances your quality of life.


This exploration of "Cory from Good Bones" has shed light on the multifaceted contributions of Cory McCorkle to the home renovation industry. His exceptional skills, unwavering commitment to affordability and sustainability, and dedication to community involvement have left an indelible mark on the field.

Cory's ability to create beautiful and functional living spaces on a budget has democratized homeownership and revitalized countless neighborhoods. His emphasis on eco-friendly practices has fostered a greater awareness of the environmental impact of home renovations, encouraging homeowners to embrace sustainability. Moreover, his passion for giving back has extended his influence beyond individual projects, inspiring others to invest in their communities.

The legacy of "Cory from Good Bones" serves as a reminder that home renovations are not merely about aesthetics or financial gain. They have the power to transform lives, create opportunities, and strengthen communities. By embracing the principles that guide Cory's work, homeowners and professionals alike can contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and vibrant built environment.

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