Whatever Happened To Hulk Hogan

In early 2023, wrestler Kurt Angle shared some news about Hulk Hogan to listeners of his podcast, "The Kurt Angle Show." According to Angle, Hogan had just undergone back surgery, and was experiencing some scary complications. "He had the nerves cut from his lower body. He can't feel his lower body," said Angle, noting that Hogan had been using a cane to assist him when he walked. "He doesn't have any pain. He has nothing at all," Angle clarified. "So now he can't feel his legs. So he has to walk with a cane which is, you know, that's pretty serious, man."

While fans fretted about Hogan's health, the wrestler's rep disputed Angle's characterization of his condition. "Everything is okay with him," Hogan's rep told ET, insisting he did not need a cane in order to walk. "Hulk is someone with a lot of humor." That said, Hogan was later photographed walking with a cane.

To settle the matter, Hogan posted a photo via Instagram, of himself hosting a karaoke party at his Hogan's Hangout eatery. Several months later, in July 2023, any lingering issues from that surgery were seemingly well behind him. In fact, Hogan appeared to be in the best shape he'd been in years when he spoke with Men's Health, revealing he was eating healthier, had quit drinking and had slimmed down to 265 pounds. "The last time I weighed 265 I was in ninth grade," boasted the 69-year-old wrestler.
